Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chickens and Eggs

So I actually live on a chicken farm.  My husband loves poultry and raises show quality birds.  We have many rare breeds that roam our 2 acres and free range in our fields.  They are fun pets, and we enjoy hatching new chicks, naming them, raising them and then breeding them.  We get up to 4 dozen eggs every day!  With so many birds and eggs around here, it was just destiny that I had to create a chicken unit!  Sarah, my sister, helped me draw up some crafts and clip art and I took my camera and got some real shots and put together this fun packet:

Here is the link:   Chickens and Eggs Packet

 This is one of the crafts in this unit.  It is a simple cut and paste craft that kids really enjoy putting together and seeing the hatching chicks as they lift the flap.

Here are a few of the work pages I put together using pictures of my actual chickens!

Some of the cards and work pages in this unit can also be found in our Farm Unit.  I added them here to because they went so well.  Here is a link to our Farm Unit if you want to look at it:  Farm Unit

Pre-K Pandas!

Who doesn't like a Panda?

This cute packet has some Panda Crafts accompanied by ABC and number cards 1-20 as well as color panda printables and a color page!  Some basic letter and number

learning pages are also included.  The pictures below can explain it best!

Here is the link for the templates and complete packet:  Pre-K Pandas

Forest Themed Crafts and Learning Resources

This is a wonderful packet we just put together for the Summer of 2014!  The animals were hand drawn and then turned into some fun crafts.  This packet is just the Furry Forest Animals- 8 cute critters including Raccoon, Skunk, Fox, Porcupine, Rabbits, Possums, Beavers and Badgers.

Two packets are available.  One is geared for Pre-K and Kindergarten with cute cards in similar fashion to our Farm Unit.  The second packet is geared for 1st and 2nd grade with fun sentence mazes and research paper printable.  I hope to post even another unit soon that will have some of the larger and smaller forest critters, but until then- enjoy these furry creations!

Here is the Link:

Pre-K Forest Unit

Here is a view of some of the templates and cards you can download:  The Unit includes all letters of the alphabet and number counting cards 1-12.

Here is another Link:

Forest Unit and Early Research

This unit has all the crafts plus more advanced work-pages for your young learners.  I included a sentence maze for every animal, plus a fact page and easy research writing papers.